iBRoad Project profile

iBRoad is a new project funded by the Horizon 2020 European programme, aimed at exploring, designing, developing and demonstrating the concept of individual Building Renovation Roadmaps. With 12 partners from 9 countries, it kicked off on 3-4 July 2017 in Greece. With the innovative approach proposed, the project aims to become a real driver for deep renovation. Representing an evolution of the Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and energy audit systems, building renovation roadmaps will serve as a tool outlining a customised renovation plan with a long-term horizon for deep step-by-step renovation of individual buildings (iBRoad-Plan), combined with a repository of building-related information (logbook, iBRoad-Log).

iBRoad is a consumer-tailored project as it strongly supports building owners in step-by-step deep renovations, removing barriers and lock-in effects. Energy auditors and end-users will be empowered with knowledge and experience of deep renovation in individual buildings. Public authorities will be provided with real-life studies and analysis supporting deep renovation, both for individual buildings and as a long-term national strategy, thus increasing the renovation rate and depth across the EU.

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iBRoad News

2017-12-20 / Announcements

Press release

Brussels, July 10, 2017 – iBROAD is a new project funded by the Horizon 2020 European programme, aimed at exploring,...
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2017-12-11 / Press

Examining Building Renovation Passports

IMT is a strong, long-time advocate for bringing building performance data to the market and using it alongside other tools...
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2017-10-02 / Press

iBROAD Kick off on Balkan Green Energy News

The iBROAD project kick-off has been mentioned in the Balkan Green Energy News portal here.
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2017-09-29 / News

Individual Building Renovation Roadmaps as real drivers for deep energy renovation: iBROAD H2020 project kicks-off

Brussels, July 10, 2017 – iBROAD is a new project funded by the Horizon 2020 European programme, aimed at exploring,...
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