iBRoad project Webinar: How to implement building roadmaps in the market: policy approaches

Wednesday 19 February 2020
11.00 – 12.00 CET


The individual building renovation roadmap is a tool to support owners to cost-effectively make their buildings highly efficient and decarbonised, either stepwise or in one go, while considering individual conditions, trigger points and additional benefits. However, only when embedded in a supportive policy surrounding, the recommendations of the building roadmap will, with a high probability, be properly implemented and practically transferred into successful renovation activity. A supportive policy surrounding refers mainly to three basic fields of action: informational, economic and regulatory instruments.

This webinar will highlight examples of policy support for building renovation roadmaps and similar tools, and will give inspiration for considering the roadmap in the national long-term renovation strategy and policy mix.


11.00 iBRoad project at a glance and webinar introduction
Alexander Deliyannis – SYMPRAXIS Team
11.10 How to implement building roadmaps in the market: policy approaches
Dr Martin Pehnt – ifeu
11.30 EPBD19a feasibility study on building renovation passport – definition, EU’s policy options and their potential impacts
Jonathan Volt – BPIE
11.40 Q&A Session
12.00 End of webinar

To register to attend the webinar click here to send an e-mail to contact@ibroad-project.eu with the title “Attend iBRoad project Webinar 2020/2/19”. You will receive a confirmation within 24 hours.