How can Member States implement iBRoad?

Barriers and drivers for countries willing to explore the feasibility and replicability of iBRoad.

The Report ” How can Member States implement iBRoad” aims to explore the barriers to and enablers of the design and implementation of iBRoad in order to enable the concept to be replicated across Europe, beyond the targeted countries of this project. iBRoad is being tested in Portugal, Poland and Bulgaria. The iBRoad logbook has also  been tested in Germany, provided to interested parties who will be able to give their feedback through a questionnaire.

This Report presents the main barriers to designing and implementing the iBRoad concept based on preliminary inputs collected from pilot countries as well as countries that have similar initiatives in place: Germany, France, Belgium/Flanders and Denmark. It gives an overview of what those considering integrating the tool in their country need to do, by outlining the barriers to and enablers of successful design and implementation.

Download the Report here.